Rashevska, Tamara2013-04-012013-04-012012Rashevska, T. The prospect for the use of biopolymers for controlling nanostructure and functional properties of butter / T. Rashevska // CEFood 2012 6 th Central European Congress on Food, May 23-26, Novi Sad, Serbia. - 2012. – P. 448.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/7142The rise of biological value of butter types that contain inulin and pectin is connected with functional properties of these polymers as well as with nanostructure peculiarities of these types of butter.otherвершкове маслосливочное маслоbuttterнаноструктураnanostructureбіополімерибиополимерbiopolymersкафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівThe prospect for the use of biopolymers for controlling nanostructure and functional properties of butterOther