Luchian, MihaelaStefanov, StefanLitovchenko, IgorMihaylov, IvanHadzhіyskі, Vіlhelm2016-08-162016-08-162013 process of dough mixing is a crucial operation in bakery industry to produce high-quality bread. Considered viscoelastic characteristics of dough, which are dependent on the moisture content and temperature. The purpose of this article is to develop advanced technology for modeling dough, which will provide a prediction of the optimal design parameters of the mixer.enmixingdoughmodelingcomputerпермішуваннятістомоделюванняперемешиваниетестокафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвSimulation of the mixing bread dough process using computational techniquesArticle