Rubanka, KaterynaTerletska, VitaZinchenko, InnaFalendysh, Natalia2016-02-082016-02-082015Rubanka, E. Feasibility of using dry extracts of tea in the food industry / E. Rubanka, V. Terletskaya, I. Zinchenko, N. Falendysh // Innovative technologies for production of functional foods : International scientific-practical conference, April, 2015. – Kutaisi: Akaki Tsereteli State University, 2015. – Р. 139–141. article is devoted for the use of extracts as a source o f biologically active substances in food products balanced on vitamins and minerals. Quantitative changes o f the content o f water-soluble vitamins and minerals o f green and black tea in the production o f dry tea extracts have been ascertained.enteaextractsvitaminsmineralsчайекстрактивітамінимінеральні речовиникафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівэкстрактывитаминыминеральные веществаFeasibility of using dry extracts of tea in the food industryOther