Strunin, IgorGoncharenko, Boris2015-12-172015-12-172014Strunin, I. The algorithm of the electrical system of the enterprise from autonomous sources / I. Strunin, B. Goncharenko/ / Education and Culture : canadian Journal of Science. - Toronto : Toronto Press, 2014. - No. 2. (6), (July - December), Vol. I. - Р. 517. progressive transformation of society and nature are not possible without the constant energy costs. No human activity can not be implemented without the use of various forms of energy. The slightest threat to ensure energy leads to higher prices and pessimistic forecasts about shortages of energy raw in the future. Energy trade by volume than all other articles, as the energy in the form of fuel is used to maintain the regularity of the world: transportation, construction, agriculture and industry. In terms of ensuring the growing problem of mankind energy resources, as well as complex environmental situation the development of alternative energy sources are particularly relevant in the world.microcontrollersolar energysolar cellwind power installationpulse-width convertersolar radiationautomatic control systempower supply systemмікроконтролерсонячна енергіясонячна батареявітроенергетична установкаширотно-імпульсної конвертерсонячна радіаціяавтоматична система керуванняистема живленнямикроконтроллерсолнечная энергиясолнечная батареяветроэнергетическая установкаширотно-импульсной конвертерсолнечная радиацияавтоматическая система управлениясистема питаниякафедра автоматизації та комп'ютерних технологій систем управління ім. проф. А.П. ЛаданюкаThe algorithm of the electrical system of the enterprise from autonomous sources