Bondar, NikolaiShiyan, PeterMudrak, TatianaKyrylenko, Roman2012-12-192012-12-192012The use of poliheksametyleneguanidine (PHMG) salts in alcohol production from starch containing raw materials / M. Bondar, P. Shiyan, T. Mudrak, R. Kyrylenko // Materialy Miedzynarodowey Naukiwi-Praktyczney Konferencji Nauki. Teoria I praktika, Poznan.-2012 (29.10.2012 - 31.10.2012). - Poznan : 2012. of the use of poliheksamethyleneguanidine (PHMG) salts is reasonable as the antiseptic preparation «Polidez» in alcohol production from starch-containing raw materials. In working environment its influence on the course of microbiological and biochemical processes, quality of semiproducts and alcohol was investigated and efficiency of the preparation «Polidez» for inhibition of contaminating microflora growth was confirmed.otherвиробництво спиртупроизводство спиртаalcohol productionконтамінуюча мікрофлораантисептуючі засобиконтаминирующая микрофлораантисептирующие средстваcontaminating microfloraantiseptic preparationantisepticкафедра біотехнології продуктів бродіння і виноробстваThe use of poliheksametyleneguanidine (PHMG) salts in alcohol production from starch containing raw materialsThesis