Kolos, Irina2018-09-112018-09-112017Kolos, I. Material flow management of industrial enterprise on lean principles / I. Kolos // Technology audit and production reserves. – 2017. – № 5/4 (37). – Р. 19-25. – DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2017.108794.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/28135The material flow is characterized as a component of the value stream, where a material form of production stocks changes to a finished product, while creating value for the consumer. The model of the material flow management of an industrial enterprise on the lean basis is proposed with the use of a process approach (on the basis of a set of agreed interrelated purchase/supply processes, production/processing, sales/consumption), a functional approach and a system approach (using specific lean methods within an individual management function) to ensure lean transformations in the material flow. The relevance of the use of a combination of lean production methods in the implementation of individual management functions with the material flow of an industrial enterprise with a focus on continuous improvement of value creation for the consumer.enкафедра обліку і аудитуvalue streamflow of materialmaterial managementlean productionindustrial productionпотік створення цінностіматеріальний потікуправління матеріальним потокомощадливе виробництвопромислове підприємствопоток создания ценностиматериальный потокуправление материальным потокомбережливое производствопромышленное предприятиеMaterial flow management of industrial enterprise on lean principlesArticle