Dorohovich, AntonellaDorohovich, VictoriyaPetrenko, Nikolay2017-04-242017-04-242016Dorohovych, A. Model of perfect chemical composition of the product according to the requirements of nutriciology / A. Dorohovych, V. Dorohovych, M. Petrenko // Food Science for Well-being (CEFood 2016) : 8th Central European Congress on Food 2016 : book of Abstracts, 23-26 May 2016. – K. : NUFT, 2016. – P. 161. model of the ideal food. The model is presented in a hierarchical tree, with the distribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in chemical composition. The proposed evaluation of food quality control as required, taking into account the weight coefficientsennutritsiologiyaherodeticqualimetryfoodchemical compositionнутріціологіягеродієтикакваліметріяхарчові продуктихімічний складкафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівModel of perfect chemical composition of the product according to the requirements of nutriciologyThesis