Lulka, AlexanderMironchuk, ValeriyAdamenko, Andriy2020-03-032020-03-032013Liulka, O. A new form of beet cossettes – the way to get and benefits / O. Liulka, V. Myronchuk, A. Adamenko // NEEFood-2013 : the Second North and East European Congress on Food, 26-29 May 2013. – К. : NUFT, 2013. – P. 174. capacity and stability of beet sugar plant’s functioning depends mostly on the work of diffuse device which is sensible to the beet cossettes’ quality. We get cossettes from beet slicers reducing suger beets by diffuser knives. That’s why knives’ form, type and derived cossettes play an important role in sugur production.enбурякова стружкабурякорізальні ножідифузіянарізаннясвеклорезные ножирезкаbeet cossettesbeet cutting knivesdiffusioncuttingкафедра готельно-ресторанної справикафедра технологічного обладнання та комп’ютерних технологій проектуванняA new form of beet cossettes – the way to get and benefitsThesis