Kovalchuk, Inna2013-10-022013-10-022013Kovalchuk, I. Development of vertically-integrated structures in the Agro-Industrial Complex / I. Kovalchuk // Abstracts The Second North and East European Congress on Food NEEFood. – 2013. - P. 45.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/10051In context of development of agricultural potential of Ukraine, had researched the integration processes in agricultural sector which results in creation and development of vertically integrated structures.otheragroholdingsenterprisesdevelopmentагрохолдингирозвитокпідприємстваагрохолдингипредприятияразвитиекафедра економіки і праваDevelopment of vertically-integrated structures in the Agro-Industrial ComplexThesis