Roze, Alexander2015-04-062015-04-062015Roze, A. Strategic management of innovation and investment activity in hospitality industry / A. Roze // Готельно-ресторанний бізнес: інноваційні напрями розвитку : міжнародна науково-практична конференція, 25-27 березня 2015 р. – К. : НУХТ, 2015. – С. 153-154. the influence of increasing domestic and foreign competition, investment and innovation are important in managing of hospitality enterprises. New ideas and products, advanced technologies and organizational solutions increasingly determine the success of business activities, provide financial stability and survival of enterprises. Therefore, it is extremely important to the system of innovation and investment activities of the company, focused on long term and strategic success.otherinvestmentadvanced technologydomestic and foreign competitionінвестиційвнутрішня і зовнішня конкуренціяпередові технологіїинвестицийпередовые технологиивнутренняя и внешняя конкуренцияStrategic management of innovation and investment activity in hospitality industryOther