Lugovska, OksanaSidor, Vasyl2016-05-122016-05-122015Lugovska, O. Aromatic emulsion beverage catering and industrial production / Oksana Lugovska, Vasilij Sidor // Journal of FOOD and PACKAGING Science, Technique and Technologies. – 2015. - № 7. – Р. 19-23. article describes the use of emulsions for the production of beverages for for the restaurant business and industry. This paper describes the physico-chemical principles underlying the functional role of hydrocolloids in oil-in-water emulsions.The procedure of emulsion preparation with hydrocolloids which are stabilizer-emulsifiers, namely gum-arabic and starch, was updated by introducing new technological parameters. The food emulsion samples were investigated by their stability in beverages during their term storage. The optimum ratio between aqueous stabilizer and oil phase is characterized by maximum number of emulsion particles with the size under 1 micron.emulsiondrinkstabilityhydrocolloidsparticles sizeемульсіїнапоїстабільністьгідроколоїдирозмір частоккафедра експертизи харчових продуктівAromatic emulsion beverage catering and industrial productionArticle