Labzhynska, МargarytaVolodchenkova, NataliaHivrich, Olexandr2016-09-152016-09-152016Labzhynska, М. The methodical approach for the liquidation of consequences of the emergencies / М. Labzhynska, N. Volodchenkova, А. Hivrich // The eighth Central Congress on Food, May 23-26, 2016. – NUFT, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2016. – Р. 131. emergency consequences liquidation was developed and proposed a method that allows for the selected performance indicators in the given conditions to evaluate the possibility of forces and means of civil protection for the implementation of assigned tasks and make informed decisions for the definition of the relevant required forces and means. Using the proposed approach allows for selected performance metrics in the given conditions to evaluate the possibilities of the forces and means of civil protection and make informed decisions for definition of their necessary personnel for the implementation of the events for the liquidation of consequences of the emergencies.enкафедра екологічної безпеки та охорони праціcivil protectionцивільний захистгражданская защитаemergencyнадзвичайна ситуаціячрезвычайная ситуацияliquidation of consequencesліквідація наслідківликвидация последствийThe methodical approach for the liquidation of consequences of the emergenciesThesis