Voloshchuk, GalinaKirieieva, CatherineYurchak, VeraPalyvoda, SvetlanaHolikova, Tatiana2013-01-142013-01-142009Voloshchuk, G. Applying of enzymatic additive as improver of macaroni products from wheat flour / G. Voloshchuk, K. Kirieieva, V. Yurchak and other // New challenge of food preservation. – Budapest, Hungary. - 2009. - P. 304.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5194The influence of xylanase enzymatic additive with complex gemicellulase and lipolytic activity to the quality of macaroni products from wheat flour has been researched. The structural and mechanical characteristics of macaroni dough, friability, speed of pressing and capacity of press as well as speed of drying have been investigated. Recommended dosage of additive is 0,001 % to the flour weight.enmacaroni productsмакаронні виробиwheat flourenzymatic additiveimprovement of qualityпшеничне борошноферментний препаратполіпшення якостікафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівкафедра готельно-ресторанної справиApplying of enzymatic additive as improver of macaroni products from wheat flourArticle