Belova, TatyanaVoitovych, Nataliya2017-09-272017-09-272017Belova, T. The features of advertising of dairy products in Ukraine / T. Belova, N. Vojtovych // Stredoevropsky vestnik pro vedu a vyzkum. Central European Journal for Scienct and Research. Ekonomicke vedy administrative. − Praha, Publishing house Education and Science. – 2017. - №2 (38). − P. 25-28. basic methods and techniques for promoting dairy products are considered in the article. Factors of influencing on buyer’s decisions in choosing products are defined. The features of advertising of dairy products in Ukraine are investigated on the example of domestic manufacturers - РJSC «Yahotynsky maslozavod» and its affiliate «Yahotynske for children». Also the expediency of use of Internet advertising is proved.demandadvertisingconsumersdairy productsonline advertisingпопитрекламаспоживачімолочна продукціяІнтернет рекламаспроспотребителимолочная продукцияИнтернет рекламакафедра маркетингуThe features of advertising of dairy products in UkraineArticle