Zanozovska, Oksana2014-03-052014-03-052013Zanozovska, O. Quality management of domestic dairy enterprises based on HACCP principles / O. Zanozovska // Current state and perspectives of enterprises’ development in conditions of international economic activity. Monograph. Matej Bej University, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. – 2013. – P. 203-206. paper investigates the introduction of a quality management systembased on the HACCP principles in the dairy industry. The benefits and costs on implementing HACCP system for dairy enterprises are determined in this paper.enquality managementdairy industryenterprisesHACCPfood safetyуправління якістюмолочна галузьпідприємствапродовольча безпекаHACCPпредприятияHACCPпродовольственная безопасностькафедра міжнародної економікиQuality management of domestic dairy enterprises based on HACCP principles