Duka, Anastasiia2017-12-142017-12-142013Duka, A. Innovation development: the theoretical background of the concept / A. Duka // Development Scenarios And Alternatives In The Modern Economy. – Research articles. – B&M Publishing, San Francisco, California, USA. - 2013. – P. 46–53.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/26397The main approaches to determine the essence of innovation development were analyzed. It is possible to justify the conclusion of the complexity of this modern phenomenon. It was determined that innovation development is a dichotomy that is revealed through the motion of system which is aiming in the proper direction and nature of the impact innovation changes on the processes occurring in this system. Based on the disclosure of the concept of "development" was highlighted theoretical background and the nature of the innovation development was characterized.кафедра економіки праці та менеджментуchangesdevelopmentmotiontransformationinnovative developmentзмінирозвитокрухтрансформаціяінноваційний розвитокизмененияразвитиедвижениетрансформацияинновационное развитиеInnovation development: the theoretical background of the conceptArticle