Simahina, GalinaNaumenko, Nataliia2023-06-202023-06-202023Simakhina, G. Healthy nutrition as humanity's dream of ‘perfect food’ / G. Simakhina, N. Naumenko // Food for life: promising raw materials and innovative processing, 10-11 May 2023. – Kyiv : Institute of Food Resources, 2023. – Pp. 112-116 evaluation of health products as an age-old embodiment of humanity's dreams of ideal nutrition is substantiated. In modern conditions, healthy nutrition becomes not only a source of necessary biologically active substances for the human body, but also performs a protective function for organs and cells from adverse environmental factors. The main requirements for the composition of health products with various functional directions have been formulated.enкафедра технології оздоровчих продуктівхарчуванняпоживні речовиниоздоровчi харчові продуктисвітовий трендекстремальні умовиnutritionnutrientshealthy food productsworld trendextreme conditionsкафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуванняHealthy nutrition as humanity's dream of ‘perfect food’Article