Shevchenko (Kishenko), IrynaPolishchuk, GalynaNikishina, Tatiana2021-04-082021-04-082021Shevchenko І. Structuring properties of transglutaminase in whitecontaining systems / Shevchenko І., Polishchuk H., Nikishina T. // The world of science and innovation : abstracts of the 5th International scientific and practical conference. – Cognum Publishing House. London, United Kingdom, 2020. – P. 132-139 article presents the results of research on the use of transglutaminase in the technology of restructured ham products as a functional drug that regulates the structure and functional and technological properties of proteincontaining systems. The aim is to study the possibility of regulating the structure of restructured ham products by using the enzyme transglutaminase and milk proteinssubstrates. The substrate specificity of the microbial form of the calcium-independent enzyme produced by the bacteria Streptoverticilti mobamense to the protein preparation "Drip free cas", sodium caseinate "Dairy Co" and proteins of dry buttermilk was studied. The effect of the enzyme transglutaminase on the functional properties of meat systems with different combinations of milk proteins in their composition has been studied. It has been proven that the formation of protein structure by fermentation makes it possible to obtain heat-resistant systems and promotes the production of high quality meat products.enmilk proteinstransglutaminaserestructured ham productsкафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівкафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівStructuring properties of transglutaminase in whitecontaining systemsThesis