Martseniuk, OleksandrMartseniuk, LiudmylaKurik, Mikhail2014-11-122014-11-122013Martseniuk, L. S. About Some Physical Properties of Water in Nanosystems and the Possible Mechanism of Superconductivity Induction by Water in Compounds SrFe2As2 and FeTe0,8S0,2. / L. S. Martseniuk, A. S. Martseniuk, M. V. Kyrik // In: Nanocomposites, Nanophotonics, Nanobiotechnology, and Applications : Selected Proceedings of the Second FP7 Conference and International Summer School Nanotechnology: From Fundamental Research to Innovations, August 25-September 1. / editors: Fesenko O., Yatsenko L. - Bukovel, Ukraine : Springer, 2013. - Chapter 16. - Р. 187-206. is devoted to the analysis of properties of water, diffused in the layered compounds and . We offer for the first time the mechanism of effect, recently opened by the Japanese researchers, of inducing of superconductivity by water in these compounds. For this purpose a positions of the theory of water molecules condensation in a liquid states, developed by J.Preparata from a statements of quantum electrodynamics, have been used. Water, diffused in compounds, forms nanosistems, - the individual layers, parallel to ferriferous layers of compounds, and at some properties is similar to EZ-water, which are well described by this theory. Therefore it is necessary to expect, that at low temperatures such nanowater will differ from usual ice.othernanowatercoherent domainsSPE-effectcoherent waternear- surface waterEZ-waterwater phasesнановодакогерентные доменыСПЕ- эффекткогерентная водаприповерхностная водаEZ-водафазы водысвойства водыкогерентні домениСПЕ- ефекткогерентна водаприповерхнева водафази водивластивості водикафедра процесів і апаратів харчових виробництвAbout Some Physical Properties of Water in Nanosistems and the Possible Mechanism of Superconductivity Induction by Water in Compounds andOther