Okopna, Yana2014-03-212014-03-212010Okopna, Y. The peculiarities of making the intelligence training professionally-based dialogical speech of future spesialists in the service sphere (German after English) / Y. Okopna // European Network for Intercultural Education Activities. Linguistic and Cultural Diversity within European Learning Communities: Cross-cultural and Trans-national Perspectives : the Second International Conference on Linguistic and Intercultural Education (CLIE2), 10-12 June. - Herceg Novi, Montenegro, 2010. - [Електронне видання].https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/13324The article shows how to develop students` intercultural competence in professionally-based dialogical speech (German after English) by promoting their intercultural skills and cross-cultural awareness. The research provides theoretical substantivation and practical elaboration of the methodology of training future specialists in the service sphere to use paralinguistic in German oral professional communication. Business role play helps students begin thinking in second foreign language and creates an opportunity for them to develop conversation skills and professional vocabulary.enдіалогічне мовленняділова грастуденти другого курсунемовний вищий навчальний закладдиалогическая речьсредства обучениянемецкий язык после английскогопрофессионально ориентированное обучениесфера обслуживанияcommunicative behaviorsculturenonverbal communicationprofessionally oriented speakingtechnical specialties studentsкафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуванняThe peculiarities of making the intelligence training professionally-based dialogical speech of future spesialists in the service sphere (german after english)Article