Skochko, AlexeyDruhoveiko, VladislavShevchenko (Kishenko), Iryna2018-07-042018-07-042018Skochko, О. The use of food fibers in the production of truncated semi-finished products / О. Skochko, V. Druhoveiko, І. Kishenko (Shevchenko) // Youth scientific achievements to the 21st century nutrition problem solution : the material of 84-th International scientific conference of young scientist and students, 23–24 april, 2018 – K. : NUFT, 2018. – Part 1. - P. 331 there are ever more and more new offers of food fibers on the market, understanding the functionality of these ingredients is especially important, as there are no standard recommendations for their use. The conducted researches were directed on study of functional and technological properties of food fibers of a plantain in comparison with wheat fiber for the purpose of use in technology of truncated semifinished products of deep freezing and long­term storage. Due to its hydrophilic properties, plantain fiber and wheat fiber can reduce the harmful effects of physicochemical factors during cryopreservation and protect the meat systems from significant cell destruction.enкафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівplantainfood fiberssemi-finished productspenetrationcryoscopic temperaturewheat fiberподорожникхарчові волокнапосічені напівфабрикатипенетраціякріоскопічна температурапшенична клітковинаThe use of food fibers in the production of truncated semi-finished productsВикористання харчових волокон у виробництві посічених напівфабрикатівThesis