Arych, Mykhailo2019-06-042019-06-042017Arych, M. I. Features of foreign experience of micro-insurance for insurance market in Ukraine / M. I. Arych // Proceedings of the university of Ruse. - Bulgaria : 2017. - Vol. 56, Book 10.2. – P. 55-58. paper investigates the advanced foreign experience of micro-insurance organization. The possibility and advantages of using the experience of micro-insurance in the countries of Europe, Central and South America, Asia for the insurance market of Ukraine are analyzed. The conducted research showed that the current state of micro-insurance development in highly developed countries of the world has many advantages over the development of micro-insurance in Ukraine. Therefore, we consider it necessary to build a Ukrainian model of micro-insurance taking into account the best foreign experience, using highly effective methods of its application and implementation in practice.enmicro-insuranceinsurance marketinsurance premiumcompetitivenessмікрострахуваннястраховий ринокстрахова преміяконкурентоспроможністькафедра фінансівFeatures of foreign experience of micro-insurance for insurance market in UkraineArticle