Ryabokon, NataliaRindyuk, DmitryShpak, MaksimKomisar, Ksenia2015-02-092015-02-092014Technological features of combining condensed canned milk with sugar and fruit-berry syrups during processing / N. V. Ryabokon, D. V. Rindyuk, M. S. Shpak, K. R. Komisar // Journal Food and Environment Safety. – 2014. - Volume XIII, Issue 4. - P. 354-359https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/19381A mathematical model of combining milk and plant products was built on the basis of dependency of mass fraction of solids condensed canned milk (CCM).with sugar and FBS of mass fraction of solids milk-sugar mixture and the temperature of intensified lactose crystallization. Taking into consideration the rheological characteristics and constructive-technological parameters, the degree of homogeneity consistency and duration of formation of condensed milk with sugar and fruitberry syrup "cranberry-blueberry" were studied.enзгущені молочні консерви з цукромсгущенные молочные консервы с сахаромcondensed canned milk with sugarмолочно-цукрова основамолочно-сахарная основаmilk-sugar baseплодово-ягідний сиропплодово-ягодный сиропfruit - berry syrupматематична модельматематическая модельmathematical modelоднорідністьоднородностьhomogeneityтривалістьпродолжительностьdurationкафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвкафедра теоретичної механіки та ресурсоощадних технологійTechnological features of combining condensed canned milk with sugar and fruit-berry syrups during processingArticle