Altıok, EsraBunani, Semyuelİpekçi, DenizKabay, NalanArda, MuserrefYüksel, Mithat2016-12-162016-12-162016Concentrate management for nf brine of ground water using electromembrane (ED and EDI) processes / E. Altıok, S. Bunani, D. İpekçi and other // Environmental Protection: from Sorbents to Membranes. – Kiev : ART OK, 2016. – С. 68–73. this study, treatment of ground water used in a fruit juice company located in İzmir city by integrated nanofiltration (NF), electrodialysis (ED) and electrodeionization (EDI) methods was studied. For this purpose, the ground water obtained from the plant was treated by using two different NF membranes (NF-90 and NF-270). The brine from both NF membranes was fed to ED stack. The ED diluate was further treated by EDI process for ultrapure water production.otherconcentrate managementfood industrynanofiltrationelectrodialysiselectrodeionizationwater reuseбезперервна переробкахарчова промисловістьнанофільтраціяелектродіалізелектродеіонізаціяповторне використання водинепрерывная переработкапищевая промышленностьнанофильтрацияэлектродиализэлектродеионизацияповторное использование водыConcentrate management for nf brine of ground water using electromembrane (ED and EDI) processesArticle