Bashta, Anatoliy2013-11-122013-11-122013Bashta, A. Influence of gas diffusion saturation of surface on material’s plasticity / A. Bashta // Book of Abstracts of the Second North and East European Congress on Food, May 26-29. - K.: NUFT, 2013. - P. 61. this work the creep of molybdenum sample is examined under diffusion gaseous saturation of material surface and under single-axis loading. The typical behavior of molybdenum is investigated for different concentration of diffusion gaseous saturation.otherdiffusion gaseous saturationmolybdenumcreepдифузійне газове насиченняповзучістьмолібдендиффузионное газовое насыщениемолибденползучестькафедра мехатроніки та пакувальної технікиInfluence of gas diffusion saturation of surface on material’s plasticityThesis