Bazhay-Zhezherun, SvitlanaBereza-Kіndzerska, LudmilaTogachynska, Olga2018-04-232018-04-232017Bazhay-Zhezherun, S. Research of influence of biological activation on the vitamin complex of grain cereal cultures / S. Bazhay-Zhezherun, L. Bereza-Kindzerska, O. Togachynska // Science Rise . – 2017. – V. 7(36). – Р. 59-63 offered to hydrothermal treatment processing grain of cereal cultures - wheat, bare grain oats, triticale, which promotes increase in its nutritional value, in particular increase in amount of vitamins, by biological activation. . In the course of the offered grain preparation contents of anti-mineral substance of phytin significantly decrease, the content of vitamins of antioxidants, of vitamins of group B, of inositol considerably grows.enбіологічна активаціяпророщені зернавітамінипшеницягоріння овестритикалебиологическая активацияпророщенное зерновитаминыпшеницаголозерный овесbiological activationgerminated grainvitaminswheatbare grain oatstriticaleкафедра технології оздоровчих продуктівкафедра екологічної безпеки та охорони праціResearch of influence of biological activation on the vitamin complex of grain cereal culturesArticle