Dzyazko, YuliaPonomarova, Ludmyla2019-01-242019-01-242018Dzyazko, Yu. S. Hybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites for ion-exchange processes / Yu. S. Dzyazko, L. N. Ponomarova // Membrane and sorption materials and technologies : present and future. – Kiev : ART OK, 2018. – P. 46-50. types of composite ion-exchangers, which are based on strongly acidic gel-like cation-exchange resin and weakly acidic cation exchange resin have been obtained by modification with nanoparticles of zirconium hydrophosphate. Removal of the dye from deionized water and Ni(II) ions from water containing also hardness ions was studied under dynamic conditions. The composites show higher break-through capacity than that of the pristine resin.ennanocompositeion-exchangerpolymer matrixzirconium hydrophosphateнанокомпозитіонний обмінполімерна матрицяцирконій гідрофосфатHybrid organic-inorganic nanocomposites for ion-exchange processesArticle