Bobrovnik, LeonidKlimovich, V.Miroshnikov, OlegPodobiy, Olena2012-12-072012-12-071999Spectroscopic study of the influence of some inorganic and organic substances on the character of hydration in sucrose solutions / L. Bobrlvnyk, V. Klimovich, O. Miroshnikov, O. Podobiy // Proceeding of 21-th General Assembly C. I. T. S. — Antwerpen, Belgium, 24—29 may 1999. - 1999. — P. 421—426. influence of chlorides, nitrates and carbonates of alkali metals and some oligopeptides on the hydration of sucrose in solution. The analysis of the data revealed that the hydration of sucrose depends on the hydrogen bonding and ion - dipole interaction (near-hydration) and hydrophobic interactions (far hydration). Result of the research can be used to model systems, derived from real sugar solutions (molasses) in a study of the phenomenon of hydration.otherгідратаціягидратацияhydrationсахарозавзаємодіякафедра технології жирів, хімічних технологій харчових добавок та косметичних засобіввзаимодействиеsucroseinteractionSpectroscopical study of the influence of some inorganic and organic substances on the character of hydration in sucrose solutionsArticle