Lystopad, TamaraDeinychenko, GrygoriiPasichnyi, VasylShevchenko, AnastasiiaZhukov, Yevhenii2021-04-272021-04-272020Rheological studies of berry sauces with iodine-containing additives / T. Lystopad, G. Deinychenko, V. Pasichnyi, A. Shevchenko, Y. Zhukov // Ukrainian Food Journal. – 2020. – Vol. 9, Issue 3. – P. 651-663. influence of the addition of seaweed raw materials and the absence of struc-ture-forming agent on the rheological parameters of berry sauces were established. The research of rheological properties was carried out using rotational viscometer. Sensory research of sauces was performed by a five point scale based on the weighting factor.enberryseaweedsauceiodinerheologyкафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівкафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівRheological studies of berry sauces with iodine-containing additivesArticle