Cherednichenko, GalinaShapran, LudmilaKunytsia, Lyudmila2012-07-062012-07-062005Cherednichenko, G. Video in teaching english as a second/ foreign language / G. Cherednichenko, L. Shapran, L. Kunytsia // Communication in the age of globalization: a decade of successful development and achievements: thesis of reports. - 2005. - P. 20-21. work focused on the use of video, which is one of the most innovative products in today's learning process, selection criteria and a description of the video stages of the video class.otherвідеоучбовий процесвибір відеовидеоучебный процессвыбор видеоvideoteaching processvideo selectionкафедра ділової іноземної мови та міжнародної комунікаціїVideo in teaching english as a second/ foreign language