Yemelyanova, NinaMukoid, Roman2014-07-042014-07-042013Yemelyanova, N. Improving of oat malt technology / N. Yemelyanova, R. Mukoid // Medical and dietary properties of malt extracts ׃ zbior raportow naukowych «Trendy wspolczesnej nauki», (29.08.2013 – 31.08.2013). – Gdansk : Wydawca : Sp. z.o.o. «Diamond trading tour» 2013. – P. 17 – 19. was found that during malting of bare-grained oat content of biologically active substances increases significantly. Thus the content of fats and proteins decreases. Optimal technological parameters of bare-grained oats malting are as follows: temperature with a gradual increase from 14 to 17 °C, humidity 41…42 %, duration 4…4,5 days.otheroatsfilmymaltmaltingовесплівчастийсолодсолодорощенняпленочныйсолодоращениекафедра біотехнології продуктів бродіння і виноробстваImproving of oat malt technologyArticle