Nekoz, AlexanderYastreba, Sergey2014-07-042014-07-042013Nekoz, O. Wear pattern of oil presses / O. Nekoz, S. Yastreba // Ministry of education and science of Ukraine. Khmelnitsky National University. V Ukrainian-Polish scientific dialogue. International Scientific Conference, 16-19 october 2013 - Khmelnitsky-Yaremche, 2013. - P. 163-164., on the basis of the studies, established features of the microtopography of the surface of the worn parts testify to the different mechanism and type of wear of parts of the inlet and outlet of the presses.othermikrotopohrafiyisurface wearpartsgear typepressмікротопографіїповерхні зношеннядеталімеханізмпресмикротопографииповерхности износадеталимеханизмтиппрессWear pattern of oil pressesThesis