Herasymova, Olga2017-06-152017-06-152017Herasymova, О. A retrospective analysis of the concept of "self-regulating learning" in the philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature of the West European educational space / О. Herasymova // Збірник «Наукових праць», серія «Педагогіка». – 2017. - Том 293, Вип. 281. – С. 57–63.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25567The article deals with the approach to the concept of "self-regulated learning" of Western European scientists, the importance of self-regulated learning in the development of educational and professional competencies of future professionals, as well as the structure and stages of development of self-regulated learning in the course of students’ training of higher educational institutions. The problem of students’ training capable of continuous learning is actualized. The essence of the concepts "self-regulated", "self-regulated learning" is clarified and drawing attention to the specifics of their application in the future formation and personal growth of future specialists.self-regulatedself-regulated learningself-educationindependent workself-educational activityсаморегулюваннясаморегульоване навчаннясамоосвітасамостійна роботасамоосвітня діяльністькафедра іноземних мов професійного спрямуванняA retrospective analysis of the concept of "self-regulating learning" in the philosophical and psychological-pedagogical literature of the West European educational spaceArticle