Nazarenko, NataliaTyshchenko (Usatiuk), OlenaChagayda, Andriy2018-04-062018-04-062017-05Nazarenko, N. Y. Implementation of guest-facing technologies in hospitality business / N. Y. Nazarenko, O. M. Tyshchenko, A. O. Chahaida // Молодий вчений. – 2017. – № 5 (45). – С. 672–675. article deals with the guest-facing technologies that positively affect the overall hotel efficiency. Challenges, benefits, and keys to successful implementation of mobile applications for hotels were determined. It was found that this will improve the quality of hotel services and the competitiveness of hospitality industry enterprises.enguest-facing technologiesклієнтоорієнтовані технологіїinnovative technologiesінноваційні технологіїmobile applicationsмобільні додаткиcloud-based systemsхмарні системикафедра готельно-ресторанної справиImplementation of guest-facing technologies in hospitality businessArticle