Bozhok, Natalia2013-01-222013-01-222012Bozhok, N. The psychological analysis of cognitive, emotive and behavioral interventions of REBT / N. Bozhok // Psychology and Sociology. - 2012. - Режим доступу: main strategies of rational-emotive behavioral therapy and their effect on developing high frustration tolerance are represented in the article. The cognitive, emotive, behavioural strategies of REBT and their influence on the development of a high frustration tolerance are analyzed. The conditions to apply the metioned interventions the most effectively are outlined.enфрустраційна толерантністькогнітивна стратегіяемотивна стратегіяповедінкова стратегіяфрустрационная толерантностькогнитивная стратегияэмотивная стратегияповеденческая стратегияfrustration tolerancecognitive strategiesemotional strategiesbehaviouralкафедра ділової іноземної мови та міжнародної комунікаціїThe psychological analysis of cognitive, emotive and behavioral interventions of REBTArticle