Bielialov, TaliatLoiko, ValeriaBihus, MarianaKulynych, YuriiVzhytynska (Omelchenko), Kseniia2020-02-042020-02-042019Analysis of competitive strategies of startups under conditions of global challenges / T. Bielialov, V. Loiko, M. Bihus, Y. Kulynych, K. Omelchenko // Academy of Strategic Management Journal. –2019. – Vol. 18, Special Issue 1. paper identifies the main differences between a start-up company and a traditional enterprise and identifies the features of their competitive strategies. The main aspects of determining the development strategy of start-up competitive advantages based on economic and mathematical modeling are considered. On the example of the start-up project “Multiservice of Intelligent Management of Finances and Needs”, the task of which is to create a new model of human behavior independent of the money factor and create an environment of internal incentives for the individual that contribute to the creative solution of certain tasks, the developed model was tested. The proposed integrated approach to assessing economic efficiency is relevant in the context of the formation of an innovative environment for the development of start-ups and allows creating competitive advantages.enstart-up companiescompetitive strategiesinnovative developmentinnovative business ideasindicatorстартап-компаніїконкурентні стратегіїінноваційний розвитокінноваційні бізнес-ідеїіндикаторкафедра фінансівкафедра економічної теоріїAnalysis of competitive strategies of startups under conditions of global challengesArticle