Lugovska, OksanaSidor, Vasyl2014-05-142014-05-142013Lugovska, O. Influence particle size of emulsions on quality and stability of beverages / O. Lugovska, V. Sidor // Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. – 2013. – Vol. 1, Issue 2. – Р. 171-174 samples of emulsions with different stabilizers (gum arabic, modified starch) , the size of 0,1-1,0 microns and about 1.0 microns. In determining the stability of the emulsion particle diameter determined by laser granulometry and placement on the stability of soft drink for 180 days, which was used emulsion.stabilityemulsionphasehomogenizerстабільністьемульсіяфазагомогенізаторстабильностьэмульсияфазагомогенизаторкафедра експертизи харчових продуктівInfluence particle size of emulsions on quality and stability of beveragesArticle