Shumigay, I. V.Togachynska, OlgaNychyk, OksanaSalavor, OksanaBereza-Kіndzerska, Ludmila2017-04-112017-04-112016Environmental assessment of rivers in the Kiev region (Ukraine) according to the health and indicators / I. V. Shumigay, O. V. Togachynska, O. V. Nychyk and others // Wschodnioeuropejskie Czasopismo Naukowe (East European Scientific Journal). – № 14. – 2016. – Р. 37–40. study of water in reservoirs of Ukraine through passive monitoring methods permit to detect heavy metals in the proportion that far exceeds the Maximum Allowable Concentrations (M. A. C.). This article presents the results of the monitoring of some toxic substances in several small rivers in Kiev region, considering the influence of anthropogenic factors. Also there was analyzed the state of aquatic ecosystems and there was made their ecological assessment based on a sanitary indicators. Nowadays we can provide the ecological safety using waste-free technologies with full utilization of all the raw materials’ constituents. The main research area of the water resources protection is the elaboration of the ecological control methods of the effluents quality.heavy metalsthe surface waterspollutionrunoffwater qualityважкі металиповерхневі водизабрудненнястокиякість водитяжелые металлыповерхностные водызагрязнениестоккачество водыкафедра екологічної безпеки та охорони праціEnvironmental assessment of rivers in the Kiev region (Ukraine) according to the health and indicatorsArticle