Desyk, MykolaTelychkun, VolodymyrTelychkun, Yuliia2020-07-022020-07-022019Desyk, M. Vacuum Cooling of Biscuit Semi-Finished Products / M. Desyk, V. Telychkun, Y. Telychkun // Proceedings of university of ruse – 2019. – Vol. 58, book 10.2. - P. 56-60. paperreviews advanced cooling method of biscuit semi-finished products under vacuum. It is established that the duration of cooling of biscuit products is reduced from 30-40 minutes to a few minutes, at cooling with a temperature of 20ºС and relative humidity φ 75%. Also there is no need to use its standing. The influence of the regime parameters of the vacuum cooling on humidity, temperature and structural -mechanical parameters of biscuit semi-finished products has been investigated. During storage of finished biscuit products for 72 hours, the loss of moisture by blanks cooled by vacuum evaporation method was 0.7% less than the cooled by convection method and after standing for 8 hours. Pressure plays an important role in the quality of the cookie semi-finished product. In particular, reducing the pressure under dilution conditions to 3 kPa leads to a decrease in the cooling temperature of the finished biscuit semi-finished product to 24 ° C, reducing the time during which it cools from 480 to 2-5 minutes, increasing the elastic deformation by stabilizing the structure of the finished product. Samples cooled by the vacuum evaporation method had better structural and mechanical quality indicators compared to the samples cooled by the convection method and after standing for 8 hoursenvacuum coolingheat-mass transferbiscuitphysico-chemical parameters of qualityкафедра машин і апаратів харчових та фармацевтичних виробництвVacuum cooling of biscuit semi-finished productsArticle