Ivahniuk, MykolaPirog, TatianaPenchuk, Yuri2015-12-232015-12-232014Ivahniuk, M. Synthesis of exopolysaccharide ethapolan during сultivation of auxotroph Acinetobacter sp. IMV B-7005 in the medium with sunflower oil / M. Ivahniuk, T. Pirog, Yu. Penchuk // Аpriori : электронный научный журнал. – 2014. − № 5. − Режим доступа: https://apriori-journal.ru/journal-estesvennie-nauki/last-number. - (естественные и технические науки).https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/22054The possibility to use the multivitamin complex «Complevit» as a source of calcium pantothenate by auxotrophic strain Acinetobacter sp. IMV B-7005 – the producer of microbial exopolysaccharide ethapolan was shown. The cultivation conditions for the producer were established to provide the synthesis of 6.6-6.7 g/l of the desired product in the medium with high (4-5 %) content of sunflower oil – cheap and available substrate for microbial technologies.otherкафедра біотехнології і мікробіологіїеxopolysaccharidessunflower oilgrowth factorscalcium pantothenateintensification of biosynthesisэкзополисахаридподсолнечное маслофакторы ростапантотенат кальцияинтенсификация биосинтезаекзополісахаридсоняшникова оліяфактори роступантотенат кальціюінтенсифікація біосинтезуSynthesis of exopolysaccharide ethapolan during сultivation of auxotroph Acinetobacter sp. IMV B-7005 in the medium with sunflower oilArticle