Shutyuk, VitaliyBessarab, AlexanderVasylenko, Sergei2013-10-022013-10-022013Shutyuk, V. The formation of carcinogenic compounds in soluble powder of jerusalem artichoke / V. Shutyuk, A. Bessarab, S. Vasylenko // Nauka i studia. – Przemyśl, 2013. - № 30(98). - P. 5-12.1561-6894 extraordinary problem of production of quality foodstuffs is that they have various harmful substances, heavy metals and radionuclides. The most dangerous things for human health are cancerogenic substances which contained in negligible concentrations in foodstuffs and cause malignant formations in organism. One of the most dangerous carcinogen is N – nitrozodymetylamin wich is formed during formation amine groups under the influence of temperature. This paper presents the results of researches to determine the formation of N – nitrozodymetylamin during receiving powdered extract of Jerusalem artichoke.enjerusalem artichokenitrosaminescarcinogensтопінамбурнітрозаміниканцерогенитопинамбурнитрозаминыканцерогеныкафедра теплоенергетики та холодильної технікикафедра технології консервуванняThe formation of carcinogenic compounds in soluble powder of jerusalem artichokeArticle