Palyvoda, SvetlanaYurchak, VeraHolikova, Tatiana2013-01-142013-01-142011Palyvoda, S. Effect of gums influence on the quality of bread made with flour of poor technological properties / S. Palyvoda, V. Yurchak, T. Holikova // ISEKI Food 2011: Bridging training and Research for Industry and the Wider Community, 2-nd International ISEKI Food Conference, August 31th - September 2nd 2011. - Milan, Italy. - P. 166. addition of herbal origin in quantity of 0,25 – 0,5 % to the weight of flour increase structure of bread pores, elasticity of bread and volume. Tara gum has best positive impact to the bread quality. In case of poor flour with strong gluten bread with gums exerted best quality.engums of herbal originкамеді рослинного походженнякамеди растительного происхожденияwheat flourquality of breadпшеничне борошноякість хлібапшеничная мукакачество хлебакафедра технології хлібопекарських і кондитерських виробівкафедра готельно-ресторанної справиEffect of gums influence on the quality of bread made with flour of poor technological propertiesArticle