Belova, TatyanaGlushanitsya, AnastasiaKrainiuchenko (Fornolyak), Olga2015-09-222015-09-222015Belova, T. The essence and the principles of the creation of the strategy of blue ocean / T. Belova, А. Glushanitsya, O. Krainiuchenko // Stredoevropsky vestnik pro vedu a vyzkum. Central European Journal for Scienct and Research. Ekonomicke vedy administrative. - Praha, Education and Science, 2015. - № 1 (14). - С. 76-79. were considered the essences and the differences of the concepts of the “Red Ocean” and “Blue Ocean”. It was disclosed the content and the main features of the strategy of the blue ocean. The main principles of the blue ocean strategy were formulated, too. And there are examples of the most successful companies which created their blue ocean.otherred oceanblue oceanmarket nicheblue ocean strategyчервоний океанблакитний океанринкова нішастратегія блакитного океанукрасный океанголубой океанрыночная нишастратегия голубого океанакафедра маркетингуThe essence and the principles of the creation of the strategy of blue oceanArticle