Krasulia, OlgaKochubei-Lytvynenko, OksanaBogush, VolodymyrTihomirova, Nataliya2016-05-272016-05-272015Technological properties of sonochemical treated reconstituted milk / O. Krasulya, O. Kochubei-Lytvynenko, V. Bogush, N. Tihomirova // Journal Advances in Dairy Research. - 2015. - Vol.3, Is. 1. – P. 1-5. aim of this study was to examine the character of the sonochemical effects of treatment on technological and microbiological parameters of water and reconstituted milk. Sonochemical processing performed in a reactor ultrasonic cavitation (RUC) with a piezoceramic ultrasonic transducer with power level at 45, 60, 80, 100 % from capacity (1000 W) and temperature (20 ± 2), (40 ± 2) and (50 ± 2) ° C.We reported on the effect of ultrasound for water pretreatment in the technology of reconstituted milk product. We showed that ultrasound (US) treatment of water is changing its dissolving ability.It was experimentally confirmed that the sonochemical treatment poses an inactivating effect on the total microorganisms and fungi, and that the impact effect depends on the processing parameters - power and temperature.enreconstituted milksonochemical treatmentdissolving abilitymicrobiological propertiesвідновлене молокосонохімічне обробленнярозчинна здатністьмікробіологічні властивостівосстановленное молокосонохимическая обработкарастворяющая способностьмикробиологические свойствакафедра технології молока і молочних продуктівTechnological properties of sonochemical treated reconstituted milkArticle