Peshuk, LudmilaGalenko, OlegAndrosova, AnastasiaBohun, Vladimir2017-07-122017-07-122016Meat products for the nutrition of people with the overweight of body - pandemic of XXI century / Lyudmyla Peshuk, Oleg Halenko, Anastasia Androsova, Bogun Volodymyr // Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. - 2016. - Volume 4. Issue 1. – Р. 6-16. basic task in solving a problem of overweight is development of such special foods which would give an opportunity to the people with the overweight of body to bring down body weight, consuming that or other product. Such effect can be attained by adding or changing a certain component in compounding by other one with high functional properties.enкафедра технології м’яса і м’ясних продуктівhamoverweightproductsguinea fowl meaнадлишкова вагаизбыточный веспродуктим'ясо цесарокпитательные веществашинкаветчинаMеat products for nutrition of people with the overweight of body – pandemia pf XXI centureArticle