Korobka, Yuliya V.Kovaleva, Svetlana2020-07-012020-07-012020Korobka, Y. Investigation of chemical transformations in corn oil during the heat treatment / Y. Korobka, S. Kovaleva // Youth scientific achievements to the 21st century nutrition problem solution : proceeding of the 86 International scientific conference of young scientists and students, 2–3 April 2020. – Kyiv : NUFT, 2020. – P. 38.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/31749enкафедра харчової хіміїкукурудзяна оліяЯМР спектроскопіятермічне розкладання оліїжирнокислотний складжирні кислотиcorn oilNMR spectroscopythermal decomposition of oilfatty-acid compositionfatty acidsInvestigation of chemical transformations in corn oil during the heat treatmentThesis