Kalna-Dubiniuk, TatianaStrashynska, LarysaBolotina, IrinaShapoval, Elena2017-04-242017-04-242016Modern paradigm formation of advisory services information and consultation activity / T. Kalna-Dubiniuk, L. Strashynska, I. Bolotina, O. Shapoval // European cooperation. Scientific Approaches and Applied Technologies. – Warzawa : Consilium Limited Company. - 2016. - Vol. 12 (19). ‒ P. 9-16.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/25042In the article was shown the results of studies on the construction of a new paradigm of advisory services information and consultation activity. The proposed main components of the paradigm of advisory services information and consultation activity, which include: types of modern electronic systems, innovative types of information and consultation technologyкафедра маркетингуglobalizationparadigminformation and consulting activityelectronic systemsглобалізаціяпарадигмаінформаційно-консультаційна діяльністьелектронні системикафедра економіки праці та менеджментуModern paradigm formation of advisory services information and consultation activityArticle