Gorobets, SvetlanaGorobets, OksanaGoyko, IrynaMazur, Sergey2012-10-302012-10-302004Gorobets, S. Magnetohydrodynamic mixer of an electrolyte solution / S. Gorobets, O. Gorobets, I. Goiko, S. Mazur // Physica status solidi. – 2004.– №12 - P. 3655 - 3657.https://dspace.nuft.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3392Intensification of extraction of hexavalent chromium from solution was revealed in a magnetic field. It was shown that rate of both cementation and biosorption processes increases in a constant magnetic field due to magnetohydrodynamic stirring of the solution in the vicinity of steel matrix.othermagnetohydrodynamic stirring effectмагнітогідродинамічне перемішуваннямагнитогидродинамическое перемешиваниеcementationmagnetic fieldsцементаціямагнітне полецементациямагнитное полекафедра технології оздоровчих продуктівMagnetohydrodynamic mixer of an electrolyte solutionArticle