Marynin, AndriySviatnenko, RomanShevchenko, OleksandrMykoliv, IvanShpak, Vladyslav2023-06-222023-06-222023A structural paradigm in the generalization of intermolecular interactions regularities in water under the influence of external non-reagent factors / A. Marynin, R. Svyatnenko, O. Shevchenko, I. Mukoliv, V. Shpak. // Prospective directions of scientific and practical activity : collective monograph. – Sherman Oaks, California : GS Publishing Services, 2023. – Pp. 193–213 world’s leading material scientists came to the conclusion that the various properties of substances that people use for their needs depend primarily not on their composition, but on their structure. This is natural, because it applies mainly to substances that are in a solid crystalline state, and the structure, as the spatial arrangement of intermolecular interactions in a substance, clearly affects its physicochemical properties.enкафедра процесів і апаратів харчових виробництвкафедра технологічного обладнання та комп’ютерних технологій проектуванняwaterbiochemical processesводабіохімічні процесиA structural paradigm in the generalization of intermolecular interactions regularities in water under the influence of external non-reagent factorsBook chapter