Pakhomov, VladlenMazurenko, AlexanderDekusha, LeonidFedorov, Vladimir2014-05-072014-05-071982Heat flux meters for comprehensive measurement of thermophysical properties of readily-spoiled foodstuffs / V. Pakhomov, A. Mazurenko, L. Dekusha, V. Fedorov // Soviet Research. - 1982. - Vol. 14, №. 6. – P. 39-46 that thermal properties of highly perishable foodstuffs depend on the heat flow and rate of change of temperature and the time for which the heating occurs.otherтеплофизические свойствапродукты питаниятепловой потоктеплофізичні властивостітепловий потікпродукти харчуванняthermal propertiesfoodheat flowкафедра електропостачання і енергоменеджментуHeat flux meters for comprehensive measurement of thermophysical properties of readily-spoiled foodstuffsArticle